Southeast Asian Climate Assesment




Welcome to the website of the Southeast Asian Climate Assessment & Dataset (SACA&D) project. Presented is information on changes in weather and climate extremes, as well as the daily dataset needed to monitor and analyse these extremes.


What's new?



The database is updated until: Jun 30, 2024.

January 2021 - Updates to December 2021 have been included for Indonesia (kindly provided by Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG).)

April 2020 - Updates to March 2020 have been included for Indonesia (kindly provided by Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG).)

July 2019 - Updates to May 2019 have been included for Indonesia (kindly provided by Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG).)

July 2018 - Updates up to June 2018 have been included for Indonesia (kindly provided by Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG)'.)

July 2018 - Updates up to 2015 have been included for Singapore (kindly provided by Meteorological Service Singapore.

March 2011 - Website online

January 2011 - Logo included and website colours updated

All news items


Participants and data


map of participating countries

Today, SACA&D is receiving data from 11 participants for 15 countries and the SACA dataset contains 11876 series of observations for 9 elements at 10064 meteorological stations throughout Southeast Asia. 17% of these series is public, which means downloadable from this website for non-commercial research (see Daily data > Data dictionary for an overview of all available series). Participation to SACA&D is open to anyone maintaining daily station data. If you want to join please contact us. See our Data Policy for more details.


SA-OBS gridded dataset


SA-OBS image

SA-OBS version 2.0 has been released. SA-OBS is a daily gridded observational dataset for precipitation and temperature in Southeast Asia based on SACA&D information. The full dataset covers the period 1981-01-01 until 2017-12-31. It has originally been developed and updated as parts of the Joint Cooperation Program project.


DiDaH project


logo didah

SACA&D is developed as part of the Digitisasi Data Historis (Didah) project. This project is focusing on the digitization and use of high-resolution historical climate data from Indonesia and other Southeast Asian countries. Didah is a joint project between the National Meteorological Services of Indonesia (BMKG) and the Netherlands (KNMI) .

The results on this website contribute to the work of the Asian Pacific Network for climate extremes ( APN ).


Visitor Analytics


The Visitor Analytics menu offers key data on website visitors, including recent statistics such as online users, users this month, and users this year. It also provides this month's user demographics based on location, age, and gender, along with a chart of total monthly visitors over the past year. See Visitor Analytics for more details.


Contact us


Project team SACA&D
Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG)
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI)

Contact email

Bambang Setiyo Praytino (BMKG)
Sunaryo (BMKG)
Iqbal (BMKG)
Aris Suwondo (BMKG)
Kgs. M Nur Syamsuri (BMKG)
Gerard van der Schrier (KNMI)
Else van den Besselaar (KNMI)