SA-OBS gridded dataset
This is the download page for the daily gridded observational dataset for
precipitation and temperature Southeast Asia called SA-OBS. Bookmark this
page for future direct access!
Actual version and update policy
SA-OBS datafiles
Access to smaller chunks
Access to underlying station data
Citation and acknowledgement
Guidance for users
Terms of use
Actual version and update policy
SACA&D staff will maintain and update the SA-OBS gridded dataset.
Release date
Period covered
September 2018
1981-01-01 - 2017-12-31
Updates are included for Singapore, Indonesia, Australia and GHCN-D. The station database has been cleaned from duplicate series.
April 2017
1981-01-01 - 2014-12-31
First release of a new dataset.
SA-OBS datafiles
The datafiles contain gridded data for 4 elements (daily mean temperature
, daily minimum temperature
, daily maximum temperature
and daily precipitation sum
). They cover the area: 20S-25N x 80E-180E. The data files are in
compressed NetCDF format and range in size from 24 Mb - 175 Mb. There are
2 different grid resolutions. Data is made available on a 0.1 and 0.25
degree regular lat-lon grid for version 3.0e. Besides 'best estimate' values, separate
files are provided containing daily standard errors and elevation.
The Global 30 Arc-Second Elevation Data Set (
), a global raster Digital Elevation Model (DEM) with a horizontal grid
spacing of 30 arc seconds (approximately 1 kilometer) developed by USGS is
used for the elevation file.
Access to underlying station data
A list of station series used for the actual version of SA-OBS is provided
. Part of these series are freely available from the
daily data
webpage. For the remaining series we do not (yet) have the release
permission from the data owners.
Citation and acknowledgement
Whenever you publish research or applications based on these gridded data
products, you should include the following acknowledgement and citations.
SA-OBS temperature and precipitation:
"We acknowledge the SA-OBS dataset and the data providers in the SACA&D
project (https://sacad.bmkg.go.id)"
"Else J.M. van den Besselaar, Gerard van der Schrier, Richard C. Cornes,
Aris Suwondo, Iqbal and Albert M.G. Klein Tank. 2017: SA-OBS: a daily
gridded surface temperature and precipitation dataset for Southeast Asia.
Journal of Climate,
Guidance for users
Gridded datasets derived through interpolation of station data have a
number of potential inaccuracies and errors. These errors can be
introduced either by the propagation of errors in the station data or by
limitations in the ability of the interpolation method to estimate grid
values from the underlying station network. An important finding is that,
in areas where relatively few stations have been used for the
interpolation, both precipitation and temperature are over-smoothed. This
leads to reduced interpolated values relative to the "true" area-averages,
in particular for extremes.
Terms of use
SACA&D data policy
applies. These observational data are strictly for use in non-commercial
research and non-commercial education projects only. Scientific results
based on these data must be submitted for publication in the open
literature without any delay linked to commercial objectives. If you are
unsure about the terms "commercial", "research", and "education", please
contact the SACA&D staff at
for clarification.