Negara yang berbeda mengestimasi rata-rata temperatur harian menggunakan
metode dan formula yang berbeda. Jarak waktu untuk mengamati suhu minimum
dan maksimum berbeda, dan jarak waktu untuk mengumpulkan curah hujan 24
jam, juga berbeda.Tabel di bawah ini menggambarkan perbedaan "Ele ID",
nilai yang tersedia untuk setiap elemen dalam database. Karakteristik
perekaman dicantumkan bila mengunduh data harian.
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Ele ID
| | TX1 | Maximum temperature, 7-7 local time | 0.1 °C |
| | TX2 | Maximum temperature, 0-0 UTC | 0.1 °C |
| | TX3 | Maximum temperature, unknown interval | 0.1 °C |
| | TX4 | Maximum temperature derived from 24 hourly values, 0-0 local time | 0.1 °C |
| | TX5 | Maximum temperature morning today 09 local time until morning next day | 0.1 °C |
| | TX6 | Maximum temperature between 12 and 0 UTC | 0.1 °C |
| | TN1 | Minimum temperature, 7-7 local time | 0.1 °C |
| | TN2 | Minimum temperature, 0-0 UTC | 0.1 °C |
| | TN3 | Minimum temperature, unknown interval | 0.1 °C |
| | TN4 | Minimum temperature derived from 24 hourly values, 0-0 local time | 0.1 °C |
| | TN5 | Minimum temperature morning previous day 09 local time until morning today | 0.1 °C |
| | TN6 | Minimum temperature between 12 and 0 UTC | 0.1 °C |
| | TG1 | Average temperature of 3 measurement at 7,13 and 18 local time | 0.1 °C |
| | TG2 | Average temperature, 0-0 UTC | 0.1 °C |
| | TG3 | Average temperature, unknown interval | 0.1 °C |
| | TG4 | Mean temperature calculated as average of TN and TX | 0.1 °C |
| | TG5 | Mean temperature, 7-7 local time | 0.1 °C |
| | TG6 | Mean temperature as average of 24 hourly values, 0-0 local time | 0.1 °C |
| | SS2 | Daily sunshine, 0-0 UTC | 0.1 Hours |
| | SS1 | Daily sunshine, 7-7 local time | 0.1 Hours |
| | SS3 | Daily sunshine, 8.00-16.00 local time | 0.1 Hours |
| | SS4 | Daily sunshine, unknown interval | 0.1 Hours |
| | RR2 | Precipitation amount, 7-7 local time | 0.1 mm |
| | RR3 | Precipitation amount, 0-0 UTC | 0.1 mm |
| | RR1 | Precipitation amount, unknown interval | 0.1 mm |
| | RR4 | Precipitation amount 0-0 local time (sum of 24 values) | 0.1 mm |
| | RR5 | Precipitation amount, 8-8 local time | 0.1 mm |
| | RR6 | Precipitation amount morning previous day 09 local time until morning today (shifted 1 day back by SACA staff) | 0.1 mm |
| | RR7 | Precipitation amount 0 and 0 UTC (sum of two 12-hourly values) | 0.1 mm |
| | PP2 | Sea level pressure at 07 local time | 0.1 hPa |
| | PP3 | Sea level pressure at 0 UTC | 0.1 hPa |
| | PP1 | Sea level pressure, unknown interval | 0.1 hPa |
| | PP4 | Mean sea level pressure, 7-7 local time | 0.1 hPa |
| | PP5 | Mean sea level pressure of 3 measurement at 7,13 and 18 local time | 0.1 hPa |
| | PP6 | Mean sea-level pressure as average of 24 hourly values, 0-0 local time | 0.1 hPa |
| | HU1 | Average relative humidity 07,13 and 18 local time | 1 % |
| | HU2 | Mean relative humidity as average of 24 hourly values, 0-0 local time | 1 % |
| | HU3 | Average relative humidity, unknown interval | 1 % |
| | FG1 | Average wind speeds of 24 hourly measurements of 10-min average (7-7 local time) | 0.1 m/s |
| | FG2 | Average wind speed, unknown interval | 0.1 m/s |
| | FG3 | Average wind speedof 3 measurement at 7,13 and 18 local time | 0.1 m/s |
| | FG4 | Mean wind speed as average of 24 hourly values, 0-0 local time | 0.1 m/s |
| | DD2 | Average wind direction of 3 measurements at 07,14 and 18 local time | degrees |
| | DD3 | Mean wind direction as average of 24 hourly values, 0-0 local time | degrees |
| | DD4 | Wind direction at 12.00 local time | degrees |